One-day course
This Welsh Government funded training course is aimed at practitioners working with babies and young children under seven years or with their families in a range of settings including childcare, family support, play work, outdoor and arts activities. Attendees will have an opportunity to explore the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and learn how it applies to babies and young children. A wide array of resources and approaches will be shared, equipping you to promote and support children’s rights in your area of work.
- Understand what the UNCRC is, how it is implemented and monitored in Wales.
- To have an overview of Wales's Early Years policies within context of children's rights.
- Understand how rights apply to babies and young children.
- Understand how the voice of child is heard in the Early Years.
- An awareness of tools and approaches to use with babies and young children to support their rights and voice
This training has been funded through the Welsh Government saving your organisation the usual fee of £98.00 per attendee. Please be mindful when booking that you are able to attend and if you are no longer able to attend, to please notify us as soon as possible by contacting: [email protected]
Cwrs un-dydd
Mae’r cwrs hyfforddi hwn a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru wedi’i anelu at ymarferwyr sy’n gweithio gyda babanod a phlant ifanc o dan saith oed neu gyda’u teuluoedd mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau gan gynnwys gofal plant, cymorth i deuluoedd, gwaith chwarae, gweithgareddau awyr agored a chelfyddydol. Bydd mynychwyr yn cael cyfle i archwilio Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn (CCUHP) a dysgu sut mae’n berthnasol i fabanod a phlant ifanc. Bydd amrywiaeth eang o adnoddau a dulliau yn cael eu rhannu, gan eich arfogi i hyrwyddo a chefnogi hawliau plant yn eich maes gwaith.
- Deall beth yw CCUHP, sut mae'n cael ei weithredu a'i fonitro yng Nghymru.
- Cael trosolwg o bolisïau Blynyddoedd Cynnar Cymru o fewn cyd-destun hawliau plant.
- Deall sut mae hawliau'n berthnasol i fabanod a phlant ifanc.
- Deall sut mae llais plentyn yn cael ei glywed yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar.
- Ymwybyddiaeth o offer a dulliau i'w defnyddio gyda babanod a phlant ifanc i gefnogi eu hawliau a'u llais
Mae’r hyfforddiant hwn wedi’i ariannu drwy Lywodraeth Cymru gan arbed y ffi arferol o £98.00 fesul mynychwr i’ch sefydliad. Cofiwch wrth archebu eich bod yn gallu mynychu ac os na allwch fynychu mwyach, rhowch wybod i ni cyn gynted â phosibl drwy gysylltu â: [email protected]