A One Day Course

This course is fun and involves engaging exercises.

The course will set out the theoretical and legislative framework for children's participation in Wales and involve techniques that can be used directly with children.

The course will explore the methods that can be used with children on an individual and group basis to include them as widely as possible in decisions that affect their everyday lives. Participants will feel empowered to use practical tools to support children’s participation.

This learning opportunity will benefit smaller organisations who struggle with funds to offer their staff training.  The course is aimed at those organisations whom mainly work with primary to lower secondary age pupils.

Learning objectives:

  • Gain an understanding of Children’s Rights in the Welsh context
  • What ‘Participation’ means for children of different ages
  • Have an understanding of the legislation and guidance supporting participation and child centred practice
  • Gain skills for working with Children
  • Identify barriers and possible solutions to participation
  • Develop an individual Action Plan

This training has been funded through the Welsh Government saving your organisation the usual fee of £98.00 per attendee. Please be mindful when booking that you are able to attend and if you are no longer able to attend, to please notify us as soon as possible by contacting: 

[email protected]

Cwrs Undydd

Mae'r cwrs hwn yn hwyl ac yn cynnwys ymarferion diddorol.

Bydd y cwrs yn nodi'r fframwaith damcaniaethol a deddfwriaethol ar gyfer cyfranogiad plant yng Nghymru ac yn cynnwys technegau y gellir eu defnyddio'n uniongyrchol gyda phlant.

Bydd y cwrs yn archwilio’r dulliau y gellir eu defnyddio gyda phlant ar sail unigol a grŵp i’w cynnwys mor eang â phosibl mewn penderfyniadau sy’n effeithio ar eu bywydau bob dydd. Bydd cyfranogwyr yn teimlo eu bod wedi'u grymuso i ddefnyddio offer ymarferol i gefnogi cyfranogiad plant.

Bydd y cyfle dysgu hwn o fudd i sefydliadau llai sy'n cael trafferth gydag arian i gynnig hyfforddiant i'w staff. Mae'r cwrs wedi'i anelu at y sefydliadau hynny sy'n gweithio'n bennaf gyda disgyblion oedran cynradd i oedran uwchradd iau.

Amcanion dysgu:

  • Cael dealltwriaeth o Hawliau Plant yn y cyd-destun Cymreig
  • Beth mae ‘cyfranogiad’ yn ei olygu i blant o wahanol oedrannau
  • Meddu ar ddealltwriaeth o'r ddeddfwriaeth a'r canllawiau sy'n cefnogi cyfranogiad ac ymarfer sy'n canolbwyntio ar y plentyn
  • Ennill sgiliau ar gyfer gweithio gyda Phlant
  • Nodi rhwystrau ac atebion posibl i gyfranogiad
  • Datblygu Cynllun Gweithredu unigol

Mae’r hyfforddiant hwn wedi’i ariannu drwy Lywodraeth Cymru gan arbed y ffi arferol o £98.00 fesul mynychwr i’ch sefydliad. Cofiwch wrth archebu eich bod yn gallu mynychu ac os na allwch fynychu mwyach, rhowch wybod i ni cyn gynted â phosibl drwy gysylltu â:

[email protected]

Registered Charity / Elusen Gofrestredig 1020313. Company limited by guarantee / Cwmni cyfyngedig trwy warant 2805996. Head office / Pencadlys: 21 Windsor Place / Plas Winsor, Cardiff / Caerdydd CF10 3BY
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