This course will help participants understand the duties on responsible bodies under the ALN Act and explore the importance and benefits of participation through a person centre planning approach.
This course is suitable for anyone working with or supporting children and young people with ALN, including their families.
Participants will be encouraged to take part in group discussions and share experiences relevant to the course content and will explore the benefits of person centred thinking tools.
By the end of the course participants would have gained an understanding of:
- Participation and the person centred approach
Funded by Welsh Government and delivered by Snap Cymru on behalf of TSANA, this course is free to attend.
TSANA (Third Sector Additional Needs Alliance) is a coalition of third sector organisations working with, supporting and representing children and young people with additional learning needs. The Alliance is facilitated by Children in Wales.
To book, please click on the relevant date. Places are limited, so please ensure that when you book, you will be able to attend on the day.
We are also pleased to offer another Welsh Government Funded course:
Additional Learning Needs System: An Overview
Bydd y cwrs yma’n helpu’r cyfranogwyr i ddeall y dyletswyddau sydd ar gyrff cyfrifol o dan y Ddeddf ADY ac archwilio pwysigrwydd a manteision cyfranogiad trwy ddull person-ganolog o gynllunio.
Mae’r cwrs yma’n addas i unrhyw un sy’n gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sydd ag ADY, neu’n eu cefnogi, gan gynnwys eu teuluoedd.
Anogir cyfranogwyr i gymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau grŵp a rhannu profiadau perthnasol i gynnwys y cwrs, a byddant yn archwilio manteision dulliau person-ganolog o feddwl.
Erbyn diwedd y cwrs bydd y cyfranogwyr wedi dod i ddeall:
- Cyfranogiad a’r dull gweithredu person-ganolog
Mae’r cwrs yma’n cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru a’i gyflwyno gan Snap Cymru ar ran TSANA, a does dim rhaid talu i’w fynychu.
Clymblaid o gyrff trydydd sector yw TSANA (Cynghrair Anghenion Ychwanegol y Trydydd Sector), sy’n gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sydd ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, yn eu cefnogi ac yn eu cynrychioli. Caiff y Gynghrair ei hwyluso gan Plant yng Nghymru.
I archebu, dewiswch un o'r opsiynau isod. Mae'r llefydd yn gyfyngedig, felly sicrhewch y byddwch chi'n gallu mynychu ar y diwrnod pan fyddwch chi'n archebu.
Rydym hefyd yn falch o gynnig cwrs arall a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru:
System Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol: Trosolwg