Co-production: the definition
Co-production is an approach to public services that enables the people who are providing services and the people who are receiving services to share power and responsibility. It is about ‘give and take’, working together in equal, shared and caring relationships. It should lead to obvious change in approaches and creates opportunities for people to access support when they need it, in the way that meets their needs.
Co-production is underpinned by 5 principles
- Value all participants, and build on their strengths
- Develop networks of mutual support.
- Do what matters for all the people involved.
- Build relationships of trust; share power and responsibility.
- People can be change makers, and organisations enable this.
Taking a co-production approach is particularly relevant when working with children and young people who are care experienced and who are likely to have been impacted by trauma. Practitioners should seek to ensure that the guiding principles of a trauma informed framework are at the heart of all consultation, participation and co-production processes. The wisdom of lived experience is central to understanding what needs to change. When working with care experienced young people we all need to acknowledge that there is an imbalance of power which needs redistribution. Practitioners need to ensure that we do not add to harm, and that we aim to work in ways that seek to mitigate the impact of where there has been harm already.
- Gain an understanding of what coproduction is
- Consider how coproduction relates to Children’s Rights and Participation
- Consider specific issues for young people who are care experienced
- Have an understanding of the Legislative Framework that supports co-production
- Explore your work through the lens of the co-production principles
- Develop a personal Action Plan
This one day training will explore the issues around coproduction, examining what works for young people, based on their experiences and will equip participants with the tools to increase young people’s involvement in coproducing solutions to issues faced.
The training is FREE at the point of delivery as it is fully funded by Welsh Government as part of the ongoing implementation of the Social Service and Wellbeing Act 2014.
Who is it aimed at?
This course is aimed at the social care workforce, which includes; Social Workers, Social Work Assistants, Family Support Workers, Support and Care staff and staff working face to face with Children Looked After.
Cydgynhyrchu: y diffiniad
Mae cydgynhyrchu yn ymagwedd at wasanaethau cyhoeddus sy'n galluogi'r bobl sy'n darparu gwasanaethau a'r bobl sy'n derbyn gwasanaethau i rannu pŵer a chyfrifoldeb. Mae’n ymwneud â ‘rhoi a chymryd’, gweithio gyda’n gilydd mewn perthnasoedd cyfartal, gofalgar a rennir. Dylai arwain at newid amlwg mewn dulliau gweithredu a chreu cyfleoedd i bobl gael cymorth pan fydd ei angen arnynt, yn y ffordd sy’n diwallu eu hanghenion.
Mae 5 egwyddor yn sail i gydgynhyrchu
- Gwerthfawrogi'r holl gyfranogwyr, ac adeiladu ar eu cryfderau
- Datblygu rhwydweithiau cydgymorth.
- Gwnewch yr hyn sy'n bwysig i'r holl bobl dan sylw.
- Meithrin perthnasoedd o ymddiriedaeth; rhannu pŵer a chyfrifoldeb.
- Gall pobl fod yn wneuthurwyr newid, ac mae sefydliadau yn galluogi hyn.
Mae defnyddio dull cydgynhyrchu yn arbennig o berthnasol wrth weithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal ac sy’n debygol o fod wedi’u heffeithio gan drawma. Dylai ymarferwyr geisio sicrhau bod egwyddorion arweiniol fframwaith sy’n seiliedig ar drawma wrth wraidd yr holl brosesau ymgynghori, cyfranogiad a chydgynhyrchu. Mae doethineb profiad byw yn ganolog i ddeall beth sydd angen ei newid. Wrth weithio gyda phobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal mae angen i ni i gyd gydnabod bod anghydbwysedd grym y mae angen ei ailddosbarthu. Mae angen i ymarferwyr sicrhau nad ydym yn ychwanegu at niwed, a’n bod yn anelu at weithio mewn ffyrdd sy’n ceisio lliniaru effaith lle bu niwed eisoes.
- Cael dealltwriaeth o beth yw cydgynhyrchu
- Ystyried sut mae cydgynhyrchu yn berthnasol i Hawliau a Chyfranogiad Plant
- Ystyried materion penodol ar gyfer pobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal
- Meddu ar ddealltwriaeth o'r Fframwaith Deddfwriaethol sy'n cefnogi cydgynhyrchu
- Archwiliwch eich gwaith trwy lens yr egwyddorion cydgynhyrchu
- Datblygu Cynllun Gweithredu personol
Bydd yr hyfforddiant undydd hwn yn archwilio’r materion sy’n ymwneud â chydgynhyrchu, gan archwilio’r hyn sy’n gweithio i bobl ifanc, yn seiliedig ar eu profiadau a bydd yn rhoi’r offer i gyfranogwyr i gynyddu cyfranogiad pobl ifanc wrth gydgynhyrchu atebion i’r problemau a wynebir.
Mae’r hyfforddiant AM DDIM ar y pwynt darparu gan ei fod yn cael ei ariannu’n llawn gan Lywodraeth Cymru fel rhan o weithrediad parhaus Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant 2014.
At bwy y mae wedi ei anelu?
Mae'r cwrs hwn wedi'i anelu at y gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol, sy'n cynnwys; Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol, Cynorthwywyr Gwaith Cymdeithasol, Gweithwyr Cymorth i Deuluoedd, staff Cymorth a Gofal a staff sy'n gweithio wyneb yn wyneb â Phlant sy'n Derbyn Gofal.